Have you dreamed of becoming a digital nomad, but feel like you keep getting in your OWN WAY?

The truth is that YOU are the only one holding yourself back from your wildest dreams.

The key to getting out of your own way involves taking a deep look at your current subconscious belief systems (aka, your MINDSET!).

We go DEEP into your mindset together on in two highly interactive group coaching sessions, lasting about 2.5 hours each. 

In these sessions you will:

  •  Gain awareness to which of the most common mindset blocks is most harmful to YOU
  • Overcome the true, & deep seated reasons you haven't been able to move forward with your goals 
  • Complete thought provoking exercises, and journaling prompts, & answer some probing coaching questions (on the spot, if you dare!)
  • Heal your subconscious via powerful guided  visualization meditations
  • Meet others & have DMCs (deep & meaningful conversations) with some of your peers in 1:1 breakout rooms
  • Get an opportunity to be coached by ME personally in several breakthrough group discussions

...all with the intention to help you UNBLOCK and CLEAR whatever has been holding you back from the life of your dreams!

P.S. It's totally possible & awesome to watch the recordings, but check the FAQ section below to find out when it's happening LIVE based on your time zone.

Secure your Spot here!


Do you get upset at yourself for any of these mindset symptoms?

listening to your judgmental family, coworkers, or friends when they tell you that your dreams are stupid?

doing what your parents or society "expects" of you (college, buying a house, working in a specific career, etc), even though it feels totally out of alignment with what you ACTUALLY want in life?

not taking action on your dreams of traveling or changing careers, even though you have the resources to do so?

comparing yourself to/ having mean thoughts about other people who are already living your dream life?

having debilitating imposter syndrome when it comes to learning a new skill or fear of charging for your services?

feeling bad about yourself because you're "hopeless" or "stuck" in a career or situation that you can't get out of?

repeating the pattern of researching a digital nomad career for weeks on end, and then giving up on it completely as soon as you discover one "wrong" thing about it?

feeling tempted to invest in a coach or mentor, but then chickening out last minute/ as soon as you have to pay?

Hi, I'm Christa, long term digital nomad, and THIS is why I created this program:

After receiving thousands of messages from people who want to become digital nomads over the past 9 years, and working closely with over a hundred clients over the past 3 years in my coaching practice, I have developed a deep and intimate understanding of what holds most people back from pursuing their dreams.

HINT: It's never that they don't have the skills, money, or experience to become a digital nomad.  

It's always about their MINDSET.  

Created with the big dreamers in mind, this two-week LIVE group coaching container will help you unlock, unblock, and clear four of the biggest mindset blocks that hold most people back from pursuing the digital nomad lifestyle.

Not to mention, you'll get to develop REAL and DEEP connections with other people who want & believe the same things as you, AND are willing to do something about it. At least you'll have some beautiful conversations that will help you feel seen, heard and understood. At most, you could finish out these two weeks with new friends or travel buddies!

NOTE: While the typical participant of this program is someone who is generally in love with the idea of traveling, the content itself is not travel specific and thus can be applied to anyone who wishes to pursue an alternative lifestyle of any kind. All souls are welcome ❤️


held on 2+ hours on Monday, Dec 12 and Dec 19th (starting at 7pm EST). This is a mindset bootcamp, and we are going to move quickly. There will be guided meditations, journaling exercises, partner discussions & group discussions.

so you can watch them on your own time if you can't make it to the live sessions, or revisit them anytime throughout the year whenever you need support moving beyond any future mindset blocks.

of all coaching participants so you can keep networking with likeminded people who share the same dreams and goals as you.



Participants will be required to have cameras on at all times to encourage a feeling of safety and support for everyone involved.

In this container you may be a part of or will witness some vulnerable conversations between strangers. Edgy or emotional shares are both encouraged and celebrated here.  If this is not a concept you can get behind, do not sign up.

If it is perceived by anyone that you are judgmental of or intolerant to anyone (through a comment, turning your camera off, or even snarky facial expressions), you will be removed from the room and will not receive a refund. 

All this being said, if you are excited by the idea of connecting deeply with new people and are prepared to wear your heart on your sleeve in this private, closed container, I can't WAIT to welcome you in and coach you into moving closer to your ultimate dream life 💫


Mindset Coaching for Digital Nomads

A live and interactive 2-week group experience

 This 2-Week Mindset Coaching includes two high-level calls that will teach you exactly how to work on your mindset in order to thrive as a digital nomad!

This course was made for you if:

- You want to become a digital nomad NOW, but society, expectations & world believes are holding you back

- You are already a digital nomad but you often questioning your decision 

- You think you want to become a digital nomad but have some fears and questions holding you back

I'm ready to master my Mindset!