60+ countries traveled | 10+ years as a digital nomad | 4+ years as a coach | 1 Digital Nomad Life Academy
Hi, I’m Christa, aka @ChristabellaTravels; founder of the Digital Nomad Life Academy and long term, full-time digital nomad(60 countries and counting!) since 2013.
My business teaches people how to become digital nomads, even if they have no idea where to start. Check out the DNLA to see how it works!
Learn about the Digital Nomad Life Academy

Ever since I posted online about how I booked my first one-way plane ticket, I have been been fielding thousands of questions about how I made my dreamy adventure-filled, financially free life happen.
My answers on how to become a digital nomad come from my personal experience
having been a digital entrepreneur, an influencer, a remote employee, a freelancer, a traveling volunteer, a foreign English teacher, an expat, and a broke backpacker.
Over the years I experienced FIRST HAND what works and what does not when it comes to creating a sustainable income from the road. Not to mention I’ve studied under numerous coaches and have learned from hundreds of other successful nomads who I met along the way.
Since becoming a coach myself, I have witnessed what methods work for others who are just starting off and what doesn’t.
What I KNOW is that unless you create your OWN business doing something that LIGHTS YOU UP, your digital nomad days will be numbered.
I firmly believe that the world will be a better place if more people start living AUTHENTICALLY AND ABUNDANTLY.

- Choose a NOMADIC CAREER that’s ALIGNED with their personality, skillset, and interests.
- Implement ETHICAL and heart-centered sales & strategies that actually work.
- DO THE INNER WORK to clear the original mindset blocks that have kept them stuck
- TRAVEL responsibly and show up as a respectful ambassador not just for their country, but for the global digital nomad community.

My fave country is...
My favorite country to travel is Brazil. My most epic trip ever was to Namibia, with second and third place going to The Galapagos Islands and arctic Norway. Vietnam and Colombia are my top recommendations of countries to visit. Portugal and Bali are my favorite places to live.

I am based...
Originally I am from Boston, USA but haven't lived there in many years. I am currently based in Bali, Indonesia where I live a 3-minute motorbike ride from the beach in a beautiful villa with my local rescue dog, Honey. When I travel, my friends fight to foster her as she’s literally the cutest and best behaved pup ever!

I nerd out about...
I’m super into psychology, spirituality, the subconscious, and all-things quantum. Healing, inner work, plant medicine, and Human Design are some of my favorite topics.

I studied...
I graduated with a bachelor's degree in Journalism and a minor in Psychology from UMASS Amherst in 2010. Even though I didn’t officially study marketing, I’ve only ever worked in marketing. For the record, I do NOT believe anyone needs a degree to become a very successful digital nomad or entrepreneur.

The stars tell me...
I am a 4/6 Generator in Human Design; an Aquarius sun, Aquarius moon, and Virgo rising. I also am an ENFP and Enneagram 7. Introduce yourself to me with your results of any personality test and I guarantee you we'll have a ton to talk about!

I love...
I love music and movement! An electronic music festival is my favorite form of cardio. If I'm not dancing to deep house, I am staying active almost every day working out, doing yoga, or ecstatic dance.

Let's hang?
I am an extrovert and love people! Getting to know others from different backgrounds is one of my favorite things in life, which is why I LOVE coaching so much. I can't wait to meet YOU and learn your story too.
I was born in Boston in 1988, and moved to New York City when I was 22 with a “big dream…” of climbing the corporate ladder while wearing cute heels and pencil skirts to work every day (what was I thinking?!). After landing my “dream” job at a marketing agency, I quickly got very disillusioned and burned out, which was the precursor to me selling all my stuff and booking my first ever 1-way plane ticket to Thailand when I was 25. That flight was the beginning of my life as I now know it, and I haven’t regretted a single aspect of it! Listen to the full story of how I got started as a Digital Nomad in this podcast episode.